Tour Semifreddi's award winning bakery and see how they are able to turn out over 190,000 loaves & 40,000 pastries each week in such an environmentally friendly process.
Semifreddi states: Baking is our passion. Providing you with the freshest and highest quality breads and pastries at a reasonable price is our goal. We search the world for the finest ingredients; fennel from India, flour from Idaho (yes, Idaho is its own country), sesame from India and Central America, poppy seeds from Australia and the Netherlands, cinnamon from Indonesia and Vietnam, vanilla from Madagascar. We are and always will be self-proclaimed bread and pastry nerds.
Come see for yourself just how they are able to do this.
9:45 am - 10:00 am. Meet at 1980 North Loop Rd, Alameda
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Guided tour of Semifreddi's
Please contact Jay Schurman with questions.