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Cornell University's founder, Ezra Cornell, was the university's first entrepreneur. Today, Ezra's spirit of entrepreneurship has grown to global proportions with Cornellians driving innovation from Roosevelt Island to Silicon Valley. Please join us May 23rd for CU Founded, where VitaScan, an innovative Cornell-based startup, will tell its story and pitch to a panel of VCs.
Many people are deficient in vitamins and micronutrients but unaware of their deficiencies. VitaScan has developed a smartphone-based diagnostic platform to solve that problem, which is a fast, convenient, and low cost way to test personal nutritional levels and be better informed about daily requirements. Professor David Erickson will discuss how the technology moved from his lab into a new mobile and global health startup and Dr. Li Jiang, the CEO of VitaScan, will pitch to a panel of Venture Capitalists, followed by a Q&A session.
The program will end with a networking reception with hors d’oeuvres and cocktails.
6:30 – 7:00 Networking
7:00 – 8:30 Program
8:30 – 9:00 Networking and Reception
Featured Speakers:
Professor David Erickson
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University
Chairman, VitaScan
Li Jiang Ph.D. '14 ENG
CEO, VitaScan
Venture Capital Panel:
Beckie Robertson B.S. '82 ENG
Managing Director, Versant Ventures
Meghan Cross B.S. '08 HE
Managing Director, Red Bear Angels
Daniel Van Den Bergh B.S. '07 CALS
Senior Associate, Kaiser Permanente Ventures
Ryan Luginbuhl, M.D., B.A. '03 A&S
Advisor for Commercialization, Center for Technology Licensing at Cornell University
President, Cornell Alumni Association of Northern California
Registration Cost: $25
Young Alumni ('07-'16): $20
Space is limited so click here to register today!
Please contact Laura Salter at the Center for Technology Licensing at Cornell University with questions.
Hosted by the Center for Technology Licensing at Cornell University, Cornell Silicon Valley, and the Cornell Alumni Association of Northern California.